National Apprenticeship Week Day 5
Date: 12 February 2021
It’s the final day of NAW 2021, and we’ve had a busy week here at JRC! Don’t forget you can still find out about Apprenticeships and a apply for a programme, whether that’s in Croydon, London or elsewhere. Visit our Apprenticeships Hub to discover the Levels available, and how to apply!
Our final visitors of the week were Martine Corbett, Apprenticeship & Management Trainee Manager at Willmott Dixon who spoke to our new Construction students about the many different careers involved in construction, including marketing, management and surveying! Our Business students then heard from Ivan McDougall at City of London, who gave a great overview of the wide range of Apprenticeships on offer. We also heard from some of their current Apprentices on how they have found their great experience and overcoming some of the difficulties lockdown presents.
As for our Apprentices, we posted one last question to them – the answer was certainly an easy one!
Q: Would you recommend an Apprenticeship?
“I would recommend it – this is a fantastic opportunity to develop your career to the next level” Lorna, HR Apprentice
“Yes, as I believe it’s the best way to get a start within an industry” Michalina, Hairdressing Apprentice
“Yes I would, especially at JRC. It has been an amazing few weeks for me here and I have really looked forward to waking up in the morning and going to work!” Bradley, Business Admin Apprentice
Whether you’re leaving school this year, or you’ve been working for a while, fire up your career with an Apprenticeship. It’s the best way to dive into the workplace and gain valuable skills for work and life!
Our Employer Services team are always on hand to guide you through the application process and even match you up with the right course. You can contact them below with any questions you have about Apprenticeships:
Phone: 0208 651 1131
Email: JRCApprenticeships@johnruskin.ac.uk
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Address: John Ruskin College, Selsdon Park Road, South Croydon, CR2 8JJ
Phone: 020 8651 1131 / Email: info@johnruskin.ac.uk