John Ruskin College hosts inter-generational care event
Date: 08 January 2020
This wonderful event demonstrated the coming together of the older and younger generations, also coinciding with Black History celebrations.
The elder participants were treated to an exciting variety of activities, including filming podcasts about their life experiences and pampering sessions, held in the College’s Atrium Hair and Beauty salons by the Hair and Beauty students. They also had lunch in the College café, giving them more opportunity to engage with the younger generation.
The Principal, Kevin Standish, commented:
“We are delighted to host such an event as we feel it is very important to have close links with the local community. We want people to recognise the College as a Community Provider”.
Manju Shahul-Hameed, Councillor and Cabinet member who initiated the event as part of her charity ‘Manju Shahul-Hameed Foundation for Mental Health’ said:
“I am grateful to John Ruskin College for hosting the intergeneration event with the support of BME forum and Croydon Commitment during Black History Month. The idea behind this initiative was to make a difference and improve understanding between the generations”.
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Address: John Ruskin College, Selsdon Park Road, South Croydon, CR2 8JJ
Phone: 020 8651 1131 / Email: info@johnruskin.ac.uk