Collection of Exam Certificates 2021-2022
Date: 05 September 2022
We have recently received a large number of certificates from a range of awarding bodies and are in the process of sorting these into alphabetical order and logging them against students’ records.
Once this process is complete, the Exams Department at John Ruskin College will be contacting students to come and collect their certificates.
This process will continue throughout September.
Please note you should only accept information shared with you directly from the Exams Departments as to whether your certificates have arrived or not. No other departments have knowledge of certificate status.
Once we have logged receipt of certificates there will be 3 methods of issuing certificates to students:
- Where students have returned to continue their studies in 2022-23, their teachers will give the certificates to hand out in class where possible.
- Where students have left the College, they will be contacted by phone to come in and collect their certificates.
- If students have moved out of the immediate area (further than 20 miles) we can post certificates, but this is at the student's own risk. The College does not accept liability for any items that may go missing in the post, therefore in the unlikely event of certificates going astray in transit, the student would be liable to pay the replacement certificate fees directly to the awarding bodies. These can vary from £25 to £50 per certificate.
Please be aware that if you have undertaken multiple courses, you could end up making 2 or 3 trips to collect all your certificates as they arrive at different points in time; for example we do not receive the GCSE Maths and English certificates until the end of October/early November
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Address: John Ruskin College, Selsdon Park Road, South Croydon, CR2 8JJ
Phone: 020 8651 1131 / Email: info@johnruskin.ac.uk