Virtual Job Fair 2020
Date: 19 June 2020
This year our Job Fair had a bit of a difference. For 2020, we went digital! Local employers gave their presentations to our students via Microsoft Teams for a Virtual Job Fair, explaining their jobs in detail, the career paths that are available and getting involved in Q&As too!
We started our presentations on Monday with the Metropolitan Police who explained the benefits of being a Police Officer and how to apply for a career with the police. Lorna and Jenna, who both work within the Safer Schools division, described the police as a “family” and that “meeting people and helping people” was their favourite part of their job.
Tuesday began with a talk from Silicon Valley Bank where we heard from Isaac who spoke to our students about his career journey. Isaac then held a fantastic Q&A, answering questions on everything from interview techniques, how to research the company you have applied for, and even discussed some of the questions he's been asked in interviews too!
We then had an appearance from the Greater London Authority, who are responsible for transport, policing, the economy and fire and emergency planning for London as a whole. Our speakers Phil and Fiona gave students an insight into their roles and responsibilities, with Phil mentioning that he went to John Ruskin College himself! Phil explained how he works with heads of businesses on a day to day basis to help implement jobs for young people whilst Fiona, an Enterprise Adviser, works alongside schools to help write CVs and UCAS applications. It was great to hear all about consulting, what it involves and how our students could get involved.
Jordan, a Recruitment and Training Assistant from Crystal Palace Football Club also got involved with our Virtual Job Fair, going over the roles available in stewarding and security as well as catering and customer service. He even added that the staff on a matchday “feel like a family”!
A huge thanks to everyone who contributed to our Virtual Job Fair for 2020 – a first for us, and a massive success! We hope our students feel inspired by these fantastic presenters.
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