Results Day Information - Important Update
Date: 18 August 2022
Good luck to all students receiving their BTEC Level 2 and/or GCSE results!
School leavers, now that you have your results it is time to take the next step in your journey!
There are still places available on our Full-time courses, with opportunities for you to progress onto a Full-time course here at East Surrey College. ESC offers a wide range of vocational courses which will provide you with a whole range of skills and experiences.
Get in touch today for information, advice and guidance. Our specialist advisers are on hand to answer any questions, helping you progress to the next level.
Call Client Services on 01737 788444 or email clientservices@esc.ac.uk.
Results days for 2022
Please read the results information carefully. Results day is not for all courses.
This year, some students are being invited in to collect their results from College and discuss their grades/progression/plans with teaching staff.
The official release dates for results for these courses are:
- Thursday 25 August 2022 (10:00 - 12:00) for Level 2 BTECs, Level 2 Childcare, GCSE English and Maths
There are no specific results dates for any other courses / levels where assessment has continued as normal (practical assessments/online exams/coursework). There are no specific results dates for apprenticeships as results for these programmes are issued on a rolling basis.
Results for any courses not covered by the official results days will be notified to students as and when they are received from the various Awarding Bodies.
Please find a summary below of what results you will receive on each day.
- L2 BTECs in Business, Engineering Health & Social Care, ICT, Sport
- L2 Childcare/Early Years
- GCSE English
- GCSE Maths
Unless your course is listed against the results days above, please do not come into college to collect your results.
*If you are on an Extended Diploma BTEC straight from year 1 you will not receive your results until year 2. Please do not come in on results day this year as we will not be able to provide any results to you.
BTEC Exams Results Update – Monday 22 August 2022 – 16:30
Our staff are still working closely with the Awarding Body to ensure we get your BTEC results to students as soon as possible.
We thank the students who have been affected by the delays for their patience.
If you should have received your results but cannot see the email in your inbox, then reach out to our Exams Team to make sure we have the right email address for you. Our Exams Team can be reached at exams@johnruskin.ac.uk and please ensure to provide your full name and course so we can assist you quickly.
If you require any information, advice or guidance on your next steps then feel free to get in touch with our Careers Team on 01737 772611 ext 8229
BTEC Exams Results Update - Friday 19 August 2022 - 17:15
For the students affected by the delay in BTEC results this week, we understand that this may be an unsettling time. Sadly, we are not the only college in this situation, but rest assured we are working very closely with BTEC to get these results to you as soon as possible. The majority of students will receive their results, by email, by the end of today or tomorrow.
How will I get my results?
As mentioned, we are working to get results to students as soon as we can. Once they are available, an email will be sent to your email address.
Planning on university?
If you are awaiting your BTEC results so you can go to university, please note, UCAS has provided some information that you may find useful during this time. Waiting for Your University Place Confirmation?
Kind regards,
John Ruskin College
BTEC Exams Results Update - Friday 19 August 2022 - 11:30
Although the vast majority of our students have received their BTEC results, we are aware that a very small percentage of BTEC students are still waiting for their results. We are working closely with our Awarding Body to ensure that students receive their results as soon as possible.
The Awarding Body Pearson, has advised that they will contact universities on behalf of students if this is required, please see below:
"We are aware that a very small percentage of BTEC students didn’t receive their results today. We’re working closely with your school or college to deliver your results to both you and the university you’ve applied for. If you’d like us to contact the university to let them know, we’ll be pleased to do so. We’re doing everything we can to ensure that you receive your result as soon as possible. For further support, please contact us on 0345 618 0440 (from 8:30am- 6:00pm), or DM us via @PearsonBTEC on social media, or via our online portal for further support. http://spr.ly/6013MB0CZ"
We would like to thank students and parents for their patience during this matter. We will be updating our website when we have more information regarding the results.
Kind Regards,
The Exams Department
BTEC Exams Results Update – Thursday 18 August 2022 – 19:00
Although the vast majority of our students have received their BTEC results, unfortunately, due to circumstances outside of our control, some students are awaiting their grades.
We’d like to thank the students whose BTEC results were delayed for their patience during this time.
Our Exams team, curriculum staff and the awarding body are working closely together to get BTEC results to students as soon as we can.
The moment results become available, they will be emailed to students straight away and a copy will also be sent in the post.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Kind regards,
Exams Department
Update - Thursday 18 August 2022 - 08:15
Due to unforeseeable circumstances, some BTEC Level 3 Year 2 exam results which were due to be available this morning will be delayed.
If you are a BTEC Level 3, Year 2 student and your course is listed below, then please take note:
- Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
- Applied Science
- Business
- Health & Social Care
- Sport
- Travel & Tourism
If your BTEC Level 3 Year 2 course is listed above
The Awarding Body has advised that results will not be available for the courses listed above until the afternoon. Due to this, we are advising students who wish to collect their results in person to arrive at the College between 15:00 – 17:00. We have been assured that the Awarding Body are doing everything possible to make the results available as soon as they can.
If your BTEC Level 3 Year 2 course is not listed above
If your course does not feature in the list above, then you can continue to arrive at the College as planned to collect your results from 10:00.
For all BTEC Level 3 students
Whether you are arriving at the College in the morning or afternoon to collect your results, we will be available to support you. Our Exam and Curriculum staff plus our Careers Team will be on hand to offer you the information, advice and guidance you need to plan for your next steps. We will also have a fun social media corner for you to take photo’s so you can share your memories with your friends and family.
If you do not wish to travel to College, we can email your results and send a copy in the post as well.
We apologise for any inconvenience these changes may cause.
Kind regards,
Exams Department
John Ruskin College
Good luck to all students receiving their results!
School leavers, now that you have your results it is time to take the next step in your journey!
There are still places available on our Full-time courses, with opportunities for you to progress onto a Full-time course here at John Ruskin College. JRC offers a wide range of vocational courses which will provide you with a whole range of skills and experiences.
Get in touch today for information, advice and guidance. Our specialist advisers are on hand to answer any questions, helping you progress to the next level.
Call the College on 020 8651 1131 or email clientservices@johnruskin.ac.uk
Results days for 2022
Please read the results information carefully. Results day is not for all courses.
This year, some students are being invited in to collect their results from College and discuss their grades/progression/plans with teaching staff.
The official release dates for results for these courses are:
- Thursday 18 August 2022 (10:00 - 12:00) for Level 3 BTECs Year 2 only, L3 Travel & Tourism (1 year course), L3 Childcare/Early Years, L3 Art & Design
- Thursday 25 August 2022 (10:00 - 12:00) for Level 2 BTECs, Level 2 Childcare/Early Years, GCSE English and Maths
There are no specific results dates for any other courses / levels where assessment has continued as normal (practical assessments/online exams/coursework). There are no specific results dates for apprenticeships as results for these programmes are issued on a rolling basis.
Please find a summary below of what results you will receive on each day.
L3 year 2 BTECs in Applied Science, Business, Health & Social Care, Sport | L2 BTECs in Business, Engineering Health & Social Care, ICT, Sport |
L3 BTEC in Travel & Tourism 1 year course only | L2 Childcare/Early Years |
L3 Childcare/Early Years | GCSE English |
GCSE Maths |
Results for any courses not covered by the official results days will be notified to students as and when they are received from the various Awarding Bodies.
Unless your course is listed against the results days above, please do not come into college to collect your results.
Notification of results
The Exams Team will provide results reports on each Results Day to students when they come into the College. Results will be issued in The Hub where teaching staff will be able to provide support in case of queries. Access is via the ramp/steps at the front of the Building.
- We will not email personal email addresses nor issue results over the telephone
- Results will only be issued to the student concerned and not to third parties, unless they have made prior arrangements with Exams
- If results are not collected by 12 noon they will be posted out during the afternoon of Thursday 18 August
Certificates will not be available on results days.
These arrive from the Awarding Bodies during August and September, with GCSE certificates arriving late October.
We will notify students when they are available for collection.
Results Embargo
Please note we cannot discuss results with anyone until they are officially released by the Awarding Bodies.
Remarks/Appeals Process
Upon receipt of your results for Summer 2022, if you believe there an error with your grades, firstly you need to discuss your results with your teacher.
If you think an exam has been marked incorrectly you can apply for a remark with the awarding body.
If you have had worked remarked and you are still unhappy you can appeal to the awarding body following further discussions with your teacher.
Thinking about your next steps?
If you are still undecided about your options for September, click here for full details on our enrolment process.
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Address: John Ruskin College, Selsdon Park Road, South Croydon, CR2 8JJ
Phone: 020 8651 1131 / Email: info@johnruskin.ac.uk