New Adult Part-time Courses Launched for 2020!
Date: 10 August 2020
John Ruskin College is delighted to announce the launch of the Part-time Course Guide for 2020!
Professional qualifications and career skills courses - Apply onine today!
Whether you are looking for professional qualifications, business training or thinking of changing career, there are lots of options to choose from including AAT Accredited qualifications in Accounting, IT, Teaching, Counselling, Hair and Beauty as well as EFL and ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) courses.
FREE Maths and English courses for Adults
If you want to improve your job prospects or simply brush up on your skills, our range of FREE Maths and English courses are designed to improve your reading, writing and numeracy skills.
Leisure courses - Book and pay online!
It’s never too late to learn a new skill or take up a new hobby! A leisure course is an excellent opportunity to try something new or develop your existing skills. From affordable taster sessions through to advanced levels, there is something for everyone including Computer Skills, Yoga, Floristry, Foreign Languages and so much more!
Browse the wide range of courses by subject area or view a copy of the Guide online. Alternatively, pick up a copy of the Guide in College or your local supermarket.
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Address: John Ruskin College, Selsdon Park Road, South Croydon, CR2 8JJ
Phone: 020 8651 1131 / Email: