Easter Competition Open for all College Students
Date: 15 March 2023
Win an Easter Egg Bundle!
Are you currently a student studying at John Ruskin College? You could win an incredible Easter Egg Bundle by taking part in our Easter Competition.
Rules of the Competition:
1) We have hidden loads of Easter Eggs around our website, let us know how many you find
2) You must be following us on Instagram - @johnruskincollege
3) On our pinned social media post (on Instagram), you must tag another JRC student
The competition is only open to students studying at John Ruskin College and all rules must be completed to be entered.
A wheel of names will be used to decide the winner if more than one student guesses correctly and if the right number is not guessed, the closest number rounded up, will win.
Hint: Make sure you check ALL pages on our website!!
For a chance to win the Easter Egg Bundle, email jrcmarketing@johnruskin.ac.uk with your:
- Full Name
- Student Number
- Easter Egg guess
- Social Media Username
Best of luck - The winner will be announced on Wednesday 29th March!
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Address: John Ruskin College, Selsdon Park Road, South Croydon, CR2 8JJ
Phone: 020 8651 1131 / Email: info@johnruskin.ac.uk