Excessive Partying – Be Alcohol Safe
Date: 15 December 2023
Excessive Partying – Be Alcohol Safe
Some people may drink too much alcohol and put themselves in danger. If you think someone may have alcohol poisoning and they are unresponsive, look for:
· Shallow breathing
· Weak, rapid pulse
· Widened pupils that react poorly to light
What you need to do: call the emergency services 999
Don’t forget, it’s against the law:
· For anyone to buy alcohol if they’re under 18 years old
· For an adult to buy or try to buy alcohol for anyone under 18 years old
· For someone to sell alcohol to anyone under 18 years old
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Address: John Ruskin College, Selsdon Park Road, South Croydon, CR2 8JJ
Phone: 020 8651 1131 / Email: info@johnruskin.ac.uk